
Here is a guide to help you installing the CH-IUA-Validator-Service.


Minimal requirements

  • Debian squeeze or ubuntu 12.04 64bits or higher with an Internet access.
  • Database : Postgresql 9.6+
  • Java virtual machine : JDK 11
  • Application server : Wildfly 18.0.1

To install those requirements you can refer to the documentation of installation of Wildfly : General Requirements Wildfly 18


Copy the chiua-validator-service.war into the “/usr/local/wildfly18/standalone/deployments” directory of your Wildfly server. Finally, start your server.

Once the application is deployed, open a browser and go to http://yourserver/chiua-validator-service/ModelBasedValidationWSImpl?wsdl in order to check of the service is available.

If the deployment is successful, you should see the WSDL page.

Configuration in EVSClient

Administrator rights are required to follow the instructions below

Create a referenced standard

In EVSClient, go to the menu Administration > Manage referenced standards. If an CH:IUA standard has not been created yet, click on “Add a standard” button. Otherwise, you should skip the instructions to the following part.

You can refer to the Add a referenced standard part of the installation manual of EVSClient.

Create a validation service

In EVSClient, go to the menu Administration > Manage validation services. If an CH:IUA Token validator service has not been created yet, click on “Create new validation service” button. Otherwise, you should skip the instructions to the following part.

You can refer to the Adding a validation service part of the installation manual of EVSClient.

Configure the menu

In EVSClient, go to the menu Administration > Menu configuration. If the CH:IUA standard has not been assigned yet to a menu, add it by editing the corresponding menu or click on “Create a new menu group” button if there is not any suitable group menu. Otherwise, you should skip the instructions to the following part.

You can refer to the Configuring the top bar menu part of the installation manual of EVSClient.