How to update DICOM Pixelmed in EVSClient ?

1) Get pixelmed.jar and push it to Nexus
  • Get the latest version of pixelmed with this link :

  • If it is not up-to-date, push the pixelmed.jar file to nexus as an artifact at 3rd party > com > pixelmed > dicom (administration rights needed).

2) Retrieve, update and configure Pixelmed project
  • Retrieve the Pixelmed-jar project from Subversion :
svn checkout 

(svn+ssh for commit automatic rights)

  • In the pom.xml, update the version of pixelmed dependency :

Example :

  • Then compile the project, and copy the from the target directory to /opt/pixelmed/.
  • Unzip the file in /opt/pixelmed/ and give it the jboss:jboss-admin ownership.
cp target/ /opt/pixelmed/
unzip /opt/pixelmed/
chown jboss:jboss-admin -R /opt/pixelmed
  • Add the property “JAVA_HOME=/usr/lib/jvm/zulu7” at the beginning of the script /opt/pixelmed/bin/
vim /opt/pixelmed/bin/
3) Retrieve and update DICOMEVS-Api project
  • Retrieve the DICOMEVS-Api project from subversion repository :
  • svn checkout
  • In the pom.xml file, update the version of the pixelmed dependency :

Example :

4) Retrieve and update EVSClient project
  • Retrieve EVSClient project from GitLab :
    git clone
  • In the EJB’s pom.xml file, update the version of DICOMEVS-Api dependency :

Example :


How to update Dicom3Tools in EVSClient ?

1) Get dicom3tools_1.00.snapshot.XXX.tar.bz2
  • Install xutils-dev & man-db apt-get install xutils-dev man-db

  • Get the latest version of Dicom3tools with this link :

  • Unzip the folder and follow the INSTALL file instructions : ./Configure imake -I./config make World make install make You should then get the binaries created in /usr/local/bin folder.

For EVSClient V5 and prior:

  • Create the /opt/dicom3tools folder

  • Create symbolic links on dcdump and dciodvfy in this newly created folder. cd /opt/dicom3tools ln -s /usr/local/bin/dcdump dcdump ln -s /usr/local/bin/dciodvfy dciodvfy